TRADEMARK REGISTRATION can provide you ™ within 1 day
Trademark is very Important for any enterprise or brand in India. Anyone who`s need to secure their brand call and logo of the organization, should Register for trademark in India.Trademarks in India are registered by the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Trademarks are registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 and offer the trademark owner with a right to sue for damages while infringements of trademarks occur. Once an indicator is registered, ® image may be used and the registration can be valid for 10 years. Registered trademarks nearing expiry may be easily renewed by filing a trademark renewal application for a length of another 10 years.
Trademark registration allows owners to without difficulty set up their right to the trademark in court and earn royalties. It additionally deters piracy and prevents similar organization names from being registered by different businesses. You can behavior a trademark search, to test in case your brand call clashes with current trademarks. In India, you may get a ™ within 3 days, however it takes up to 2 years for it to be registered so you can use the ® image symbol.. can provide you ™ within 1 day
We first run a trademark search to check whether your unique name or logo is Available for Registration or one sounding very similar to it has already been taken.
After Completing Search for Trademark,our lawyers can file trademark application on your behalf.
Once the Application is Submitted ,you can start using ™.
The Trademark Registry has classified goods and services under 45 classes. Your application need to point out the class/instructions the goods/offerings represent. The trademark could be registered under those classes only.
Any person claiming to be the owner of the trademark used or proposed to be used can authorise the trademark filing. The person can be an individual, company, NGO, etc.,
Trademark applications are distinctive to the goods or offerings it's miles represents. Therefore, trademark applications are made below a "Class" of goods or carrier it represents. The trademark application will consequently be legitimate for the whole class of goods or service it represents.
As soon as you file the application, you receive an acknowledgement, which gives you the right to use the ™ symbol. Once it's registered, you can use the ® symbol.
If your brand call has already been registered, however under a unique class, you`re still in luck. Unless the brand is just too well known (McDonald`s or Fiat, let`s say), your application is probable to be approved. If, on the other hand, a trademark has been registered by some other brand once you started the usage of it, you must take the matter seriously. Find out the beginning of the goods and ship the workplace a end-and-desist letter. Although it does now no longer practice solely to highbrow property, one of these letter is generally despatched in instances of infringement. If the party does now no longer end and desist from promoting the goods together along with your trademark withinside the time mentioned in the letter, you can take them to court.
Registered trademarks are valid for 10 years from date of filing. Prior to the end of the validity, the trademark owner can file for renewal to keep the trademark protection current.
Tax payers with an aggregate turnover in a financial year upto [Rs.40 lakhs & Rs.20 Lakhs for NE and special category states] would be exempt from GST registration.
It depends entirely on the government's judgement. But if it is unique, it is highly likely that it will be granted.
Many start-up founders register it in their very own names, whilst big businesses could prefer to achieve this in the call of the company. This is due to the fact the future of a start-up is usually in doubt. If owned with the aid of using the founder, the trademark could be valid no matter the country of the company. A trademark license agreement is, however, needed on this case.
At we ensure complete transparency at every step of the business incorporation process.We specialise in excellent customer service. When you call, email with our offices, you will receive personal attention from a knowledgeable specialist happy to help you .Our team of business startup specialists are here to keep you updated on the latest incorporation, tax and financial strategies and to help you manage important business details. provides fast and end-to-end Business Incorporation and associated services. We also provide Accounting, Taxation and Legal Services. We guarantee hassle-free service delivery in the shortest possible time without compromising on quality.
Our team of experienced professionals assists entrepreneurs in selecting the best business structure suiting individual requirements, and to convert their dream business into appropriate corporate entities.